
How to handle Christmas with a Narcissist

How to handle Christmas with a Narcissist

‘Tis the season to be jolly (falalalala lalalala!), for many, Christmas is just not all its cracked up to be. It’s a time of year where families come together, and family matters, it’s quite often the value we hold highest. So how do you cope at Christmas when one of your family members display narcissistic behaviours?

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Stop counting sheep! It just isn’t brain friendly to lay their counting towards what feels like infinity, getting more and more stressed the higher you go. What can be more helpful is to close your eyes and visualise a giant blackboard in front of you.  With a piece of your imaginary chalk write the number ‘100’ as big as you can, then with your imaginary board rubber, rub the numbers out, let your eyes move from left to right to follow the rubber’s movements...